Saturday, July 22, 2006

Basic tips for web optimization.

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1. Insert keywords in the meta tag keyword.

2. Insert keywords in the meta tag description.

3. Insert keywords in the title tag.

4. Insert keywords in the title of anchor tag.

5. Insert keywords in the alt tag of Image tag.

6. Insert keywords in the phrases of your body content.

7. Insert keywords in the H1, H2...H6 tags.

8. Do bold or Italic and colored red to the keyword of your body content.

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Basic tips for web optimization.

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1. Insert keywords in the meta tag keyword.

2. Insert keywords in the meta tag description.

3. Insert keywords in the title tag.

4. Insert keywords in the title of anchor tag.

5. Insert keywords in the alt tag of Image tag.

6. Insert keywords in the phrases of your body content.

7. Insert keywords in the H1, H2...H6 tags.

8. Do bold or Italic and colored red to the keyword of your body content.

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Top Keyword Analysis Tools

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1. Overture Keyword Suggestion tools

Overture provides a free tool that allows you to see how many times a search term is used on the overture during previous month.


Niche-Bot is an excellent niche research tool that allows you to quickly and easily find out how often a specific keyword has been searched across the Net.

This website displays keyword data using Wordtracker, overture and Google search Results.


This is another excellent keyword analysis tools. When you enter the appropriate URL and keyword then it will display Pagerank and Back links pages for the Top 10 websites.

4. Wordtracker keyword analysis tools
Word tracker gets the information about what people are searching for from Meta search engine like,, tools is not free.

This is used to analysis the top keywords. It is free keyword tracker Tools. Google authorized to it.

6.find has a keyword center which operate much like overture tools.

7.Google Trends Keyword analysis tools

Google Trends is a tool from Google Labs for keword analysis.

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Top Keyword Analysis Tools

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1. Overture Keyword Suggestion tools

Overture provides a free tool that allows you to see how many times a search term is used on the overture during previous month.


Niche-Bot is an excellent niche research tool that allows you to quickly and easily find out how often a specific keyword has been searched across the Net.

This website displays keyword data using Wordtracker, overture and Google search Results.


This is another excellent keyword analysis tools. When you enter the appropriate URL and keyword then it will display Pagerank and Back links pages for the Top 10 websites.

4. Wordtracker keyword analysis tools

Word tracker gets the information about what people are searching for from Meta search engine like,, tools is not free.

This is used to analysis the top keywords. It is free keyword tracker Tools. Google authorized to it.

6.find has a keyword center which operate much like overture tools.

7.Google Trends Keyword analysis tools

Google Trends is a tool from Google Labs for keword analysis.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What is PPC ?

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1. A Pay per Click also known as Pay per Ranking, Pay per Placement or Pay per Position.

2. A pay per click (PPC) is a Paid listing where the site's owner pays every time the listing is clicked.

3. When you pay a search engine for each visitor they send to your site, this is called pay per click (PPC).

4. Pay per click listings are usually marked as advertisements or "Sponsored Links" and appear above or alongside the search engine's organic listings.
5. In pay per click services, you pay only when a searcher or clicker clicks on your listing and connects to your site.

6. Pay per click search engines allow you to get text ad listings and keyword specific coverage in major search engines rapidly, and pay only for the traffic delivered.

7. Pay per click services is an effective way of bringing targeted traffic to your site. It also has the best rate of investments.

There are two major players in this field -

1. Overture which has network partnerships spanning MSN, InfoSpace, AltaVista, AllTheWeb and many other partners.

2. Google AdWords has a larger distribution network across Google, AOL, About, Earthlink, etc.

Why use PPC services?

1. Today PPC services have the best ROI as compared to other marketing channels.

2. Your competition may be using PPC services. So in order to outdo your competition the use of PPC services is essential.

3. Pay per Click increases your sales.

4. Whether your needs are short term or long term, using Pay per Click can bring you more targeted traffic.


1. You bid for certain keywords that describe your site and the products or services you offer.
2. When a prospective buyer searches with these keywords, they are brought to your site listing. Money is paid only when someone clicks on the listing. It is worth the money, if you have written a specific description about your product or service. They are interested in knowing more about buying your product.

3. Good targeting and timing are as important as finding the right keywords. Timings are very important especially if your budget is very limited.

4. Pay Per Click services differ from optimization services because you can bid for hundreds of keywords if you want.

The advantage of using large pay per click search engines is that you are guaranteed good traffic and that your business model is scalable. Smaller engines provide slower feedback loops and some may not even provide quality traffic. Pay per click is ideal as a short term strategy.This is because of the immediate results and completes control.

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What is CSS?

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What is CSS?

1. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

2. CSS is the technology used to make the layout for WebPages.

3. CSS allows you to make changes to all of the web pages that link to the CSS file at once by changing a style in the style sheet. Instead of having to manually change every style in every HTML file.

4. They would save you a lot of time to say the least, especially if you have a large or multiple web sites.


The CSS syntax is made up of three parts: a selector, a property and a value:

Selector {property: value}

The selector is normally the HTML element/tag you wish to define, the property is the attribute you wish to change, and each property can take a value. The property and value are separated by a colon, and surrounded by curly braces:

body {color: black}

Cascading Stylesheets Advantages:

1. The content is separated from the design.

2. You site uses less bandwidth and loads faster.

3. Your website will automatically gain better search engine results.

4. CSS is compatible with newer browsers.

5. CSS can be used to display the same content on different media.

So it gives you great control of your website and makes your visitors happy when they are surfing your website.

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Monday, July 17, 2006

What is an atom

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1.Atom is the name of a specific web feed format.

2.Atom defines a web feed format for representing and a protocol for editing Web resources such as Weblogs, online journals, Wikis, and similar content.

3. Atom is a way to read and write information on the web and share your contents and ideas by publishing to the web.

4. Atom is an XML-based document format that describes lists of related information known as "web feeds".

5. Web feeds in general provide web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content, and other meta-data in a developer-friendly standardized format.

6. Web Feeds are composed of a number of items, known as "entries", each with an extensible set of attached metadata. For example, each entry has a title.
7. The primary use of Atom is the syndication of Web content such as weblogs and news headlines to Web sites as well as directly to user agents.

Atom, from a technical perspective, is an open standard that includes both:

* an XML-based web syndication format used by weblogs, news websites and web mail and,
* an simple HTTP-based Protocol known as Atom Publishing Protocol (APP for short) for creating and updating Web resources.

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Why ? - Cloaking

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What is Cloaking:

1. Cloaking is a technique that is used to display different pages to the search engine spiders than the ones normal visitors see.

2. This is done by delivering content based on the IP addresses or the User-Agent HTTP header of whatever is requesting the page.

With cloaking, one can create two sets of pages:

1. The first for search engine spiders,

2. The second for regular human visitors.

This enables retaining the good look and feel of the site for humans, while still being able to show highly optimized pages to the spiders and thus generate nice amounts of traffic from the search engines. Cloaking also prevents humans from seeing what kind of optimization techniques you are using and stealing your optimized.

When a person requests the page of a particular URL from the website, the site's normal page is returned, but when a search engine spider makes the same request, a special page that has been created for the engine is returned, and the normal page for the URL is hidden from the engine - it is cloaked.

There are three ways of cloaking

1. One is "IP delivery", Where the IP addresses of spiders are recognized at the server and handled accordingly.

2. Another is "User-Agent delivery", where the spiders' User-Agents are recognized at the server and handled accordingly.

3. And the third is a combination of the two.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Meta Search Engines

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What is Meta Search engine:

A Meta search engine is a search tool that doesn't create its own database of information, but instead searches those of other search engines. "Metacrawler", for instance, searches the databases of each of the following engines: Lycos, WebCrawler, Excite, AltaVista, and Yahoo. Using multiple databases will mean that the search results are more comprehensive, but slower to obtain.

Where metacrowler is a system that crawl the web by follow the link. There is some Meta search engine like: (The Mother of all Search Engines), etc

So in short way a search engine that gets listings from two or more other search engines, rather than through its own efforts.

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What is Syndication?

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Syndication is the process of sharing content among sites. A link that says Syndicate this site, RSS, or XML means that the headlines, a link, and an entry description for each new weblog entry are made available for others to use on their websites or to access through a newsfeed reader program.

For the content viewer, the ability to subscribe to content using RSS means that you can easily get content that you want without every having to worry about spam. The content doesn't go to your email box, it goes to a news feeder. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to whatever content you want.

For the content provider, you can help popularize your site by making it really easy for people to keep up-to-date with your latest entries.
RSS is used by (among other things) news websites, weblogs and podcasting. The abbreviation is variously used to refer to the following standards:

Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0)
RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)

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Why? - Google AdSense

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Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers to make money online. Google AdSense gives you relevant Google ads of all sizes to your website's content pages. Where the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site. You'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages for your websites.

So in the short way Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website--with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

Also Google AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your web site and your web site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, Google AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors' search request. In fact, that your visitors' will actually find them useful.

So The Google AdSense service is free, and you earn money every time someone clicks on ads.

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What is Google Sitemaps ?

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Google Sitemaps

One of the most common problems ecommerce web sites have with rankings is that portions of their web sites are not included in the search engines. The cause can be any of a variety of reasons like complicated URL strings to slow server response or lack of a proper internal linking structure. If Google can't find your pages, they won't get into the search results.

So Google Sitemaps tool that allows web site owners to create an XML or plain text file listing all or some of the URLs of a web site for inclusion in the Google index. Up to 50,000 are allowed per document and if you're over that, you can create another site map file.

In cases where a site might have some difficulty getting indexed, providing a sitemap to Google may assist in getting missing pages into Google's search results.

Google does not charge for this service and it's pretty easy to do in three easy steps. More information is available on Google Sitemaps at:

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Why? -Link exchange

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What is Link exchange

Link exchange is one of the earliest and most popular SEO technique among websites to get inbound links (urls that pointing to your website). That increases traffic rank and page rank of your sites.

1-way link exchange

2-way link exchange or cross linking

3-way link exchange

4-way link exchange or parallel linking and

1-way link exchange:

This is the best link building strategy for any website. But on the other hand it is also difficult to implement because you need quality and relevant websites which will put your website link on their website. There is no need of Reciprocal Link Exchange.

2-way link exchange or cross linking:

Exchanging link between two websites is called reciprocal link, it is also called link swap.

Cross Linking is a popular technique designed to build traffic and increase Page Rank. It relies on two websites agreeing to point an outbound-link to the other site.

3-way link exchange: (That means A link to B, B link to C, and C link to A.)

If you have two sites like "A" & "B" and your link partner has one site like "C". If "C" links to "A" and in return,"B" links to "C".This is called 3-way link exchange.

4-way link exchange or parallel linking:

If You have two websites like "A" & "B" and your link partner also have two sites like "C" & "D".if C links to "A" and in return "B" links to "D".This it is called 4-way link Exchange or parallel link exchange.

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WHY? - PFI (Paid for inclusion)

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What is PFI

PFI Stand for Pay For Inclusion. Many search engines offer a PFI program to assure frequent spidering / indexing of a site (or page). PFI does not guarantee that a site will be ranked highly (or at all) for a given search term. It just offers webmasters the opportunity to quickly incorporate changes to a site into a search engine's index.

You pay a certain amount per URL for quick inclusion into the search engine database. However, this does not guarantee a good ranking. You will have to optimize your site very well to get a good ranking. This is different from the pay per click model where you can attain a top position instantly by bidding for the top position.





For companies that want to provide a large number of URLs to Yahoo, the Yahoo Search Submit paid inclusion program offers the opportunity to have guaranteed inclusion in Yahoo's organic index. ( )

You can also pay Yahoo $299 per year for your domain name to be included in the Yahoo Directory. With this option, there is no guarantee; even in you pay, that you will be accepted or that your suggested title, description and category will be used.

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Why ? - Google Adwords

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What is Google Adwords

With Google AdWords you create your own ads, choose keywords to help us match your ads to your audience and pay only when someone clicks on them.

Google AdWords is the ideal marketing tool for small to medium businesses. or PPC program where webmasters can create their own ads and choose keywords.

With Google AdWords you can reach people when they are actively looking for your products and services. That means you receive targeted visitors and customers.

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AdWords Advantages

Google AdWords aims to provide the most effective advertising available for businesses of any size. We pledge to help you meet your customer acquisition needs by enabling you to:

* Reach people looking for your product or service

* Fully control your ad budget

* Easily create and edit your ads

* See your ads on Google within minutes of creating them

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What is Yahoo Sitemaps

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What is Yahoo Sitemaps

One of the most common problems ecommerce web sites have with rankings is that portions of their web sites are not included in the search engines. The cause can be any of a variety of reasons like complicated URL strings to slow server response or lack of a proper internal linking structure. If Yahoo can't find your pages, they won't get into the search results.

So Yahoo offers the option of submitting many URLs at once using Yahoo's free submission service at:

Registration for a Yahoo account is required, but free.

Here's how it works:

Create a list of all the URLs you want indexed in a text file and name it something like, urllist.txt (Yahoo's suggestion). You can also provide a compressed file and call it urllist.gz.

If you are providing a plain text list of URLs to Google Sitemaps, then you can use that same file for Yahoo. Place the file in the main directory of your web site and submit the URL to the Yahoo free submission form at:

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